Saturday, 21 December 2013


Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

The allurement entices me
I know I shouldn't, but I just can’t help it
It was so overwhelming till the point that it has been dominating me
I cannot help myself but to be engulfed in it

My lips parted for you
My subtle fingers touched you
As I placed my hand on you
And without any hesitations

This temptation,
It makes my obsession grow passionately
As we became in contact

You and I,
We are inseparable
Your temptation is unavoidable
Seductive, even
I’m head over heels

I long to feel
The sweetness, the tenderness, the juiciness 
Of you melting down like the snow,
At the end of the winter season
And the warm sensation

I can’t resist,
The longing aches
And the multiply desire
That grows inside me

You spread your temptation tremendously
Giving me no time or excuse to refuse
And you ended up going into my stomach

I know,
I should be thankful for your existence
I am, you know I’m grateful
Never in my conscious mind
Thinking of throwing you away
I've always wanted you by my side
But I also want you to go to others’ side
This is what I call

My dearest and loveliest FOOD,
I don’t want you to stop being so delicious
I just want you to stop making the scale goes up
Then I’ll love you eternally 
for not making me go down that UNHEALTHY road again.

This is my sincere confession,
~a girl who’d gained weight~

"Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead." - ROBERT G. INGERSOLL

p/s: you feel me, food lovers? xD

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Niat tidak menghalalkan cara.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..


Ada sorang budak ni nama dia Farid. Farid ni umur dia baru 9 tahun tapi dia dah jadi anak yatim piatu sebab mak bapak dia meninggal dlm nahas jalan raya. Farid ada sorg adik perempuan kandung bernama Aina. Farid sayanggg sgt kat Aina sbb dia satu-satunya keluarga kandung Farid yg tinggal.

Lepas mak bapak Farid meninggal, Farid dan adiknya tinggal dengan neneknya yg dah tua. Disebabkan neneknya dah tua sgt (uzur), nenek Farid pun dah tak dapat nak jaga Farid sgt. Jadi sebagai anak sulung, Farid lah yg kena jaga adiknya yg baru berumur 6 tahun tu.

Nenek Farid dah tak larat nak memasak selalu, jadi kadang2 Farid dan adiknya tak dapat makan. Disebabkan kasih seorang abang yang tak sampai hati tengok adik dia kelaparan, Farid pun ambil keputusan untuk mencuri makanan dekat warung kat kampung dia tu.

Nak dipendekkan cerita, perbuatan Farid tu diketahui oleh ketua kampung. Disebabkan Farid masih budak jadi ketua kampung tu nasihat je lah Farid tu.

Ketua Kampung : Farid, kenapa kamu mencuri? Kamu tau kan mencuri tu salah? Dalam Islam tak pernah ajar kita mencuri.
Farid: Saya tahu. Tapi saya ambil sikit saja. Saya nak bagi Aina makan, kesian dia lapar. Saya tak sampai hati biar dia lapar. Saya ambil makanan ni pun untuk dia saja, saya tak makan.
Ketua Kampung: Tapi Farid, dalam Islam kan ajar kita bahawa niat tak menghalalkan cara.
Farid: ???

Farid masih budak jadi dia mungkin tak faham apa sebenarnya yg dimaksudkan dengan niat tidak menghalalkan cara. Contoh mudah nak bagi Farid faham ialah dgn guna cerita Robin Hood. Mesti semua kenal Robin Hood kan? Femes tuh!

Robin Hood ni pergi curi duit utk agihkan kat org miskin. Memanglah niat dia baik, nak tolong org miskin yg ditindas. Tapi, cara dia tu salah kan? Walau apa pun tujuan atau niat Robin Hood tu, cara dia tetap salah sebab dia mencuri. Jadi, untuk melaksanakan niat yang murni tu, kenalah guna cara yang betul dan dibenarkan.

Kesimpulannya, tu la yg dimaksudkan dengan niat tak menghalalkan cara. Wallahua'lam. :)

p/s: saja nak share.

Monday, 2 December 2013

I'm no Angel, I'm just me. :')

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

First thing first.. It has been ages since I last updated my blog.. In fact, I actually forgot about my blog.. gosh! It surprised me that some people still visit my blog even though there’s no new update. Thanks tho.

So... here’s a new update. It is nothing actually, I just feel like expressing myself, ranting bout my random thoughts. You can read it or leave it.. J

Hmm.. Have you ever feel something that even you cannot describe it yourself? Something that is so mysterious and it keeps u wonder every single day and night.. I keep thinking how on earth did I get involved with this thing?!

For me, our feeling, our life.. It is magical! For sure things happen for reasons but I can guarantee that not all of us know the ‘jewel’ behind every incidence right? What I meant to say is, we don’t always understand why or know the reasons for every single thing that occurs in our life. Whether it brings good or bad things to your life, you can never know for sure. You may think and guess, but what you think may not be true. Only Allah knows the best. J

Today, I want to confess.. I’m a kind of person who runs away from problem (not every time, if I can face it then I’ll face it). I tend to take the easy way out. I know it’s bad but sometimes, I just can’t help it. When I face problem that makes my head dizzy just to think about it, I will stop thinking about it, ignore it and try to distract myself (unless there’s no way out). I know that running away from problems is a race that I can never win. I’m just a coward person. I wish that one day I will be brave enough to face it.

To make it even worse, I even hurt the people around me during the process. People who wanted to help me, I ignore and despise them just because I found it hard to do. I’m such an ignorant, am I? Some people said that ignorance is bliss BUT it’s not necessarily true. Well, it depends because ignorance can also make people distant.

I’m actually very confused right now. I don’t know what to do. But one thing for sure, I want to apologise for my ignorant and selfish act.  I’m sick and tired of giving excuses so I just want to say that I’m sorry, sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Forgive me, will ya?

Whatever it is, life must go on. So let’s just live the moment and see what will happen in the future. Life is too short to have regrets. AiteJ

Geez.. Sorry I’m being ridiculous and talking nonsense. I don't even know what I was saying. It seems like I’m not in my right mind so I’ll just stop here. Let’s meet again for another random entry.

p/s: Be happy, you deserve it. J

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Dugaan tanda Allah sayang. :')

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.. Salam Ramadhan.. Salam 1 Malaysia.. :)

Apa khabar? mcm mna dgn puasa? masih full? solat tarawih dah ada yg tinggal x? hehee.. ptnyaan biasa dlm bln ramadhan ni.. dah lma rsanya x mnjenguk blog ni. tba2 hari ni terdetik nak buat entry.

manusia x prnah lari dari masalah.. setiap org pasti ada mslh xkira besar atau x. termasuklah sy. :')

"Dan Kami menguji kamu dgn kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai dugaan; dan kepada Kami-lah kamu semuakan dikembalikan." (al-Anbiyaa' : 35)

apa mslh sy? hehe. tepuk dada, tnya hati. setiap org ada perasaan, tatkala perasaan itu diguris, timbul rasa sedih dan berkecil hati. bila dugaan dtg, air mata mula mengalir laju. terdiam sendirian berfikir kenapa perkara itu terjadi.  namun itu adalah tnda Allah masih ingat dan syg pda kita. Allah tidak akan sekali-kali menguji kita dengan ujian yg melebihi kemampuan kita. 

mungkin ramai lagi di luar sana yg diuji lebih berat drpd sy. acap kali cba m'ingatkan diri bhwa ini adlh tnda kasih Allah namun sy cuma manusia lemah yg tewas dengan perasaan. sejujurnya, bnyk kali hati ini terguris dgn sikap sesetengah pihak nmun cba utk x m'hiraukan krna x mahu ia mnjadi mslh. tapi, sy hnyalah manusia biasa yg bnyk kekhilafan, jauh sekali utk mengakui diri sempurna. 

mungkin juga salah sy membuat pertimbangan utk menyuarakan rsa x puas hati diri ini. sy x mrh, x jg mahu mngungkit, namun sy sedih n kesal knpa sy diperlakukan sedemikian. jikalau sy diamkan, pkara akn b'larutan. drpd mengata blkg, lebih baik sy ktakan pd tuan empunya bdn. satu ktika dahulu, sy prnah melakukan pkara tsebut yg akhirnya mbwa kpd pergaduhan. skrg, bila ada pihak lain yg mengulangi perbuatan sama, knpa sy jg yg dpersalahkan? adilkah? bila sy yg buat, sy disalahkan. bila org lain yg buat, msih jg sy yg dipersalahkan. biarpun sy b'kecil hati skalipun, sy x smpai mngeluarkan kta2 kesat. 
hati siapa yg x sdih bila trjadi prkara mcm tu lebih2 lg dgn org yg kta anggap kluarga d tmpt ni. 

mungkin ada yg akan marah, berkecil hati atau x suka dgn p'buatan sy mnulis entry ini. mungkin jg mreka b'fikir tndakan sy x mtg dgn mnulis dlm blog. t'lebih dahulu sy mnta maaf. sy terkilan bila dipanggil dgn pkataan yg kurg enak ddgr. sy x mntk bnyk. cma nak b'baik. stu pkataan 'maaf' pn sdh memadai.. kalau bleh, sy xmahu cemarkan bulan mulia ini dgn pergaduhan sesama kita. sekiranya sy yg b'slh, sy memohon seribu keampunan. mna thu lps ni x smpt mntk maaf atau apa kn? tp, fkir2kan lah. wjarkah tndakan utk mnyalahkan sy atas perkara tersebut, walhal dhulu kmu jg yg mnegur sy jgn b'buat sdemikian tp skrg bla kmu lkukannya, kmu slhkn sy pla. klu kmu msih jg mnganggap sy yg berslh, sy minta maaf. setiap yg trjadi ada hikmahnya, mgkin dgn ini, kta akn jd lbih kuat utk mnghadapi hari mndatang. siapa tahu? Wallahua'lam. :)

p/s: buka buku baru, ttup bku lma. i'm sorry. :')

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Rahsia Potong Kuku!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

okeyh, terus kepada point! kesinambungan entry sy yg umpama kempen mengajak org potong kuku hari tu (klik SINI kalau belum baca), sy nak share pulak pasal hari2 yg afdal memotong kuku. nak tahu apa yg sy jumpa? mari berkongsi ilmu.. :)

Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yg maksudnya : Barang siapa yang mengerat kukunya pada;

  • Hari Isnin : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk sihat.
  • Hari Selasa : Nescaya keluar daripadanya sihat dan masuk penyakit.
  • Hari Rabu : Nescaya keluar daripadanya was-was dan masuk kepapaan.
  • Hari Khamis : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk kepadanya sembuh daripada penyakit.
  • Hari Jumaat : Nescaya keluar dosa-dosanya seperti pada hari dilahirkan oleh ibunya dan masuk kepadanya rahmat Allah S.W.T.
  • Hari Sabtu : Nescaya keluar dari dalam tubuhnya ubat dan masuk kepadanya penyakit.
  • Hari Ahad : Nescaya keluar daripadanya kekayaan dan masuk kemiskinan.
haah! natijahnya, hari yg elok untuk potong kuku adalah hari isnin, khamis dan hari jumaat. :) oh! nak potong kuku ada doanya jugak tau!

x nampak? klik utk tumbesaran!

semoga apa yg dikongsikan ni mendatangkan manfaat buat para pembaca. jika ada tersalah info, mohon tegur secara berhikmah dan betulkan. sy hanyalah budak baru belajar~ kihkih.

p/s: off to write essay about child development. sampai ketemu lagi~ ^__^

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Jom Potong Kuku!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

wah, tajuk entry bkn main.. mcm kempen potong kuku pulak dah.. haha.. sy bukan apa, cuma kurang gemar melihat segelintir individu yg gemar b'kuku pnjg. xke huduh? memang la hak individu atau lantak korang lah nak potong kuku ke x kan, tapi sebagai manusia yg masih diberi peluang oleh Allah utk hidup di muka bumi ini, sy nak nasihatkan kalian dan juga diri sy sendiri "POTONGLAH KUKU!"

kenapa? hmm, bnyk sebab sebenarnya kenapa kita perlu potong kuku.. yg paling utama ialah drpd aspek kebersihan. "eh, kuku aku panjang tapi bersih tau!" bersih? kamu kata bersih tapi kuman + bakteria yg melekat kat kuku tu kmu boleh nmpak ke?? teruskan pembacaan utk sebab yg lebih kukuh mengapa perlu potong kuku!

- bagi yg b'agama Islam, dikatakan menyimpan kuku panjang samalah dengan memelihara sekandang khinzir.  (Astaghfirullah! nak ke mcm tu?)

- potong kuku merupakan sunnah fitrah. MESTI potong kuku!

- tangan digunakan utk beristinjak. so bila simpan kuku pnjang, kuman drpd najis kmu (yg xdpt dilihat dengan mata kasar) boleh melekat kat kuku kamu yg pnjg tu. (ewwwww~)

- kuku kamu jgk boleh mencerminkan keperibadian kamu. maka, berkuku pendeklah untuk menampakkan peribadi yg bersih dan kemas.

- dan yg paling penting!!! kuku panjang mempunyai sejenis kuman yg terdapat dalam najis iaitu E-Coli. kuman tu takkan hilang walau cuci tangan dengan sabun.

Kesimpulannya, berkuku pendeklah demi kesihatan dan kebersihan diri sendiri! :)

aneh! menakutkan! Nauzubillah!
hari2 afdal memotong kuku? nnti sy share lagi ek.. potong lah kuku bagi yg belum tuu..!

p/s: sekadar perkongsian dan nasihat bersama. :)

Monday, 21 January 2013 !

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

it's obvious (judging from the title) that i'm gonna talk about ''. well, some of u may still not know what is, right? According to Wikipedia, '' is an interest-based social Q&A website (which is launched in June 2010). This website allows the users to invite question from other members of the site. But it also can be done anonymously. haah! understand? well, basically, this website allows u to ask question whether anonymously or known to the person who has this account. i had account on this website a long time ago and i've been ignoring it for a while. but now, it seems that most of my friends (on twitter) start to make account on this website and asking others to ask them questions. as for me, i'm not gonna reveal my account on twitter. (such a dangerous place! #IYKWIM) btw, someone ask me earlier, why should they have account? well, it depends on u whether to make it or not. its not like somebody force you to make one right? but, its kinda fun and a new experience if u make it. who knows, maybe there are questions that others want to ask u but cannot (face-to-face) so they can just ask u there. if u are interested in making one or maybe just wanna see what it's look like, just click the '' logo below. u may ask me  few questions too. :)

click it!
p/s: oh. btw, ask nicely and wisely. :)

Saturday, 19 January 2013

this is sweet?

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

i just woke up from a really short nap while watching How I Met Your Mother season 7.. suddenly feels the urge to update blog so here i am writing an entry in 'mamai' state.

okay. lets keep this entry short and simple. what do u think after watching the movie Ombak Rindu or Aku Terima Nikahnya? are u the type who goes all mushy and sentimental after watching it or be the one like me who watch it and be like WHAT??!! DON'T THEY FEEL ASHAMED TO ACT LIKE THAT??!

call me cold-hearted but its not like the story is not good. its just that my problem is, how can they (Malay plus Muslim@Muslimah) acted like that and be watched by tons of people out there? don't they feel embarrassed of that? i mean its not like they don't know about the batas2 pergaulan antara bukan muhrim. everyone learns about it at school before, right? i even read about this confession of one malay actor who said that he has no problem to hold and kiss the girl's forehead in order to make their acts more real. yeah, u sure have no problem with it but that doesn't mean that u can do it. and to make it even worse, the actor has already married. think of how heart-broken his wife will be. :(

instead of being like 'awwww~' while watching the movie, i was like 'omg'. touching, hugging.. its everywhere and yet they are not even real husband and wife! apa nak jadi laa~ Astaghfirullah.. saying like this doesn't mean that i'm all good, never do something bad or whatsoever. yeah, i am a sinner and i need must repent of my sins. if u got a chance to change and be better, do it while u still can. and yet, this entry is also one of the way on how i can reflect back on myself. even me, myself not a good muslimah, doesn't cover my aurat entirely, doing sins and so on but i do hope that i can be better. in fact, i want to be better. In Sha Allah. :')

oh! entry yg kononnya short n simple makin menjadi long and complicated. so lets put an end to it kayy! last but not least, semoga kita tergolong dalam golongan yg diredhai Allah S.W.T dan menjadi ahli syurga. Ameen. 

haaaah! yg ni barulah sweet~ ^_^

as long as it is halal~ ;)
p/s: maaf dan mohon jangan ada yg tersinggung dengan entry ini. sy hanya manusia biasa yg miliki banyak kelemahan. harap maklum. peace no war. :)

Thursday, 17 January 2013


Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

haaaaa.. dah xtau mcm mna nak buat entry baru, rasa macam dah lama x update belog. heee :B sejak masuk degree ni, kelas dah kurang tapi kerja tu tetap ada dan banyak. n last night, one of my senior told me not to get pointer below 3.5. hmmm, In Sha Allah kak. :)

petang2 cenggini, duduk sorang2 kat bilik, xtahu apa nak buat. padahal keje melambak je.. haishhh.. xhabis2 lagi isu procrastination. :/

nak dijadikan cerita, bila dah duduk sorg2, mulalah 'sakit rumah' a.k.a 'homesick' tu datang. kalau kat rumah now, petang2 dah boleh plan nak masak kuih apa utk minum petang. rindunyaaa~ :'( abah kata xperlu la balik cuti tahun baru cina sebab baru je balik, bulan 3 cuti lagi. so sy pn kata ok, xmengapalah, dengar kata abah.

oh ya, apa kaitan entry ni dengan tajuk tu? xtau? nak tau? xnak tau xperlu teruskan membaca. :)

sy mengidam teringin nak makan home-made pizza lagi. kalau kat rumah slalu buat pizza dgn kak long n adik amir. then makan time panas2. sedapnyeee hingga menjilat jari! kelebihan kalau buat pizza sendiri ni lebih jimat n kita boleh tentukan sendiri bahan apa nak letak. kalau x suka sayur or cendawan macam sy, then xpyh letak la. xperlu nak bazir buang nnti. xapa lah. balik rumah nnti makan lagi ye merahh! sabar separuh drpd iman. sobs sobs. :')

oh! oh! oh! btw, ni hasilnya cubaan pertama membuat pizza. nyaman gilak! :D

haaa.. see? letak sosej pun boleyy.. ketebalan cheese pn boleh smpai 2 inci. haha. bwh tomato puree tu ada 'minced chicken' lagi. tp better goreng dulu kalau takut x masak. nyum3! yg berminat, try la! :D

p/s: makanan rasa lebih lazat apabila lapar. setuju?

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

It's been a while..

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

haaa~ it's been a while since i've last updated my blog right? well, since this year is the beginning of my degree year, i kinda want a fresh start to it. compared to last year, i think this year i've started to pay a little bit more attention in the class (konon la). speak of truth, i'm not really satisfied with my result during the foundation year. even though it's not a big matter since the pointer is only use to see whether we can proceed to degree year or not, but still, it doesn't feel that good. haha. on top of it, i'm really scared if i cannot pass this degree year. i ABSOLUTELY do not want to repeat any paper AT ALL! In Sha Allah.. i hope everything will be just fine. wish me luck k! ;)

for the time being. i don't really have the confidence to do well during degree year especially in literature. all of the theories are kinda hard for me to understand. huh. we also learn about education philosophy, TITAS and so on. my senior said that it's kinda like learning a history (which i don't really like and always falling asleep during history class) but i guess i just have to try my best. my biggest problem (i think la) is to speak in front of the class. maybe because since high school years, we don't really practise on speaking english in class. so it's kinda hard to spontaneously saying out my thoughts without getting the sentences messed up. oh. not to mention the butterfly inside my stomach everytime i want to speak in english. i know the words but it's the confidence that i don't have. keep thinking 'what if i'm wrong?' doesn't help me at all. huh. insecure to the max! (-_-)

oh i should stop. konon plan nak g joging tapi terperap dalam bilik. lazy bum betul lah! haha. no wonder la kalau jarum pada scale tu menaik. erk. :p anyway.. i hope i will be better. no! i need to be better. xnak lah 'tanam anggur' lama2 sementara tunggu posting nanti. hope i can be an excellent English teacher! yeayy (Aminkan ramai2). who knows, maybe later i will teach anak-anak korang? haaa.. oh. hope it's note too late to wish u guys HAPPY NEW YEAR! this year will be the last year i jadi budak belasan tahun. huhuhu. and i'm really sorry to those yg invite GA, comment, etc. tapi x dibalas k. kinda busy at that time. may all our new year resolutions come true~ ^__^ (big smile to u from the bottom of my heart).

p/s: happy living! :D
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